Built-In Red Oak Bookshelves
Built-In Red Oak Bookshelves
Built-In Red Oak Bookshelves
Built-In Red Oak Bookshelves
Built-In Red Oak Bookshelves
Built-In Red Oak Bookshelves

The homeowners wanted two built-in floor to ceiling bookcases to fit in recesses on either side of the fireplace in their home. They also had a large collection of record albums that they wanted to be able to shelve along with a number of books. Odile Compagnon the architect who designed these two pieces has five very interesting shelves that break out of the standard depth, three single section breakouts on the left and two double section breakouts on the right along with three full depth shelves on the bottom of the right case that are all meant to hold albums. The cases are made out of red oak and stained to match the existing oak woodwork in the home. Both pieces are 8′ 6″ tall x 44″ wide. (CLICK ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE PHOTOS TO SCROLL THROUGH MULTIPLE VIEWS).

Built-In Red Oak Bookshelves

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